Michele Corriel

Author: Montana Modernists: Shifting Perceptions of Western Art; Membrane, Weird Rocks, Fairview Felines: A Newspaper Mystery; and True Lies: A Newspaper Mystery. Contributing writer for Literary Conversations, Interview with Williams Burroughs. Contributor to A Country Bookshelf Reader with an essay, "Contemporary Landscapes."
Curation: Paul Harris Collection (Gallery director), Yellowstone Art Museum, Montana State University E. Copeland Gallery, Medium Gallery, and Emerson Center for Arts & Culture.
Freelance Writer: Artist catalog essays, museum catalog essays, art articles published in local, regional and national magazines, literary collections, and books for young readers.
Awarded: Joan Paterson Kerr Award, Western History Association; Big Sky Award by a Montana Author; High Plains Book Award; Montana State Book Award (Honor Book).
National honor of the Children's Empowerment Award for a series on bullying in the schools. Dissertation Fellowship awarded by the Ivan Doig Center for Western Lands and Peoples.
First Place Awards: The Montana Newspaper Association's Better Newspaper Contest for her columns, feature, and in-depth writing. Recognized by the National Newspaper Association for various articles.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Instructor, and Workshop Leader: Teaches art history and critical thinking seminars at Montana State University as well as various writing workshops across the country, appears on numerous panels including AWP conferences.
SCBWI: International non-profit organization helping writers and illustrators. Worked as regional advisor for Montana's chapter from 2001 until 2015. Currently an Emeritus Regional Advisor.
Poetry Dispenser inventor of the Poetry Dispenser, a stand alone distribution device for getting poetry into the world.
Poetry published in The Lower East Side Anthology; The Grey Rock Review; Cover Arts New York, High Country Independent Press. Work also appears in the Whitney Museum of Art's permanent book collection and the Museum of Modern Art permanent book collection as part of the Fusion Arts Movement.
Executive Editor and Publisher: (1985-1988) of a New York City arts monthly magazine COVER, which covered performance art, music, film, books and visual artists.
Education: Ph.D. with honors in American Studies/American Arts. Master of Arts degree in Art History. Undergraduate degree in Journalism and Political Science (minor in Creative Writing). Various poetry workshops at the St. Mark's Church, New York City.